Kosher for the Non-Jew

by | Mar 1, 2016 | Supermarkets | 0 comments

Question: If one slaps a chicken and an egg pops out – can one eat the egg?  would this be considered a limb severed from a living animal?


As dictated from the five books of Moses when Noah exited the ark after the flood, he was given the seventh law of the laws of the gentiles. From Tradition Adam was give the first six. They are

  1. Not to worship Idol
  2. Not to curse God
  3. Not to Murder
  4. Not to steal
  5. Not to have forbidden Relations
  6. To establish courts and a system of justice

The seventh law was given to Noah. It was the law concerning eating the flesh torn off a living animal.

Since Noah received the last of the seven, they are called the seven Noachide laws. these are the laws that are required for all gentiles. a covenant with all humanity.

Adam was not necessarily a vegetarian. he was allowed to eat meat but only meat of an animal that died of its own.

he was not permitted to kill for the purpose of eating. Noah, on the other hand, was permitted to kill for the purpose of eating. the underlying theme of this prohibition is to direct mankind (gentiles) to be sensitive not to cause unwarranted pain to living creatures. there are many laws applying this law even though it seems unlikely someone would rip a limb of an anumal and eat it these days.

Answer: The usual answer in Jewish law is “it depends!”

it depends if the state of the egg has reached a certain stage of maturity. the factor is called “m’ura b’giddin” which could either mean eggs still attached to the ovaries or red streaks. in any of these cases one should consult an expert to determine if it is permissible to eat the egg.

the moral of the story is “Don’t go slappin’ chickens!”